à segunda-feira faço sempre um jarro gigante de leite para mim e para as minhas meninas.
uma decisão que recomendo é retirar o leite de vaca da dieta. desde que deixei de beber que as constipações e mucos acabaram, melhor digestão, melhor pele. foi na realidade por causa da minha Carlota que tomei esta decisão, ela adorava leite mas tinha muito muco e alergias. hoje, ela sabe que o leite lhe faz mal, já não pede «faz-me mal, mãe».
razões para deixar de beber leite de vaca? é só procurar na net e ler estudos científicos. não está provado que melhore osteoporose, riscos de cancro, intolerância à lactose (tem dores de barriga, inchaço, gás?), etc, etc. e sabe como as vacas dão leite? é como as mulheres, têm de estar «grávidas» o ano todo. agora imagine.
mas o leite faz parte da nossa cultura portanto temos de o substituir. eu compro muito leite de arroz às minhas filhas, é o que aqui mais se encontra, naturalmente (não recomendo soja a não ser que diga orgânica, a soja é, na maioria, geneticamente modificada). mas o melhor é feito em casa. e com as amêndoas portuguesas podemos fazer o melhor leite do mundo, cremoso, saboroso, inteiramente vegan e raw!
só precisamos de uma liquidificadora e um nut bag (ou um pano velho daqueles lindos da avó). E utilize sempre que possível ingredientes orgânicos certificados.
receita para 1l de delícia cremosa
ingredientes base:
1 copo nozes cruas (amêndoas, castanha de caju, castanha do brasil, avelãs, macadâmias, nozes)
ou sementes (sementes de abóbora, sementes de girassol, sementes de cânhamo)
ou coco ralado, aveia, arroz integral cozido
água 4 copos
1-2 colheres de sopa de néctar de coco/ agave ou se gostar algumas gotas de estévia
uma pitada de sal marinho orgânico
1 colher de chá de canela
2 colheres de sopa de cacau em pó (para delicioso leite com chocolate ...)
mergulhe as nozes em água mineral e deixe-as de molho (veja o diafragma em baixo para saber o tempo). escorra e lave.
coloque todos os ingredientes no liquidificador cerca de um minuto até ficar cremoso.
passe num saco de leite e esprema a polpa até que todo o líquido saia. a polpa das nozes guarde no congelador, vai usar em receitas futuras. done mine, you?
passe num saco de leite e esprema a polpa até que todo o líquido saia. a polpa das nozes guarde no congelador, vai usar em receitas futuras. done mine, you?
Mondays we always make a giant jug of milk for me and my girls.
is a decision that is highly recommend removing cow's milk fro your diet. since I stopped drinking milk colds and mucus disappeared, have better digestion, better skin. was actually because of my Carlota that I took this decision, she loved milk but had lots of mucus and allergies all the time. Today, she knows that milk makes her ill and no longer asks.
reasons to stop drinking cow's milk? just look on the net and read scientific studies. it is not proven to improve osteoporosis, cancer risks, lactose intolerance (have stomach aches, bloating, gas?), etc, etc. and do you know how cows give milk? like women, they must be "pregnant" all year. now imagine. each one is an activist in his own way.
but milk is part of our culture so we have to replace it. here I buy a lot of rice milk to my daughters, of course but I do not recommend soy unless it says organic, soy is mostly genetically modified. but the milk it is best done at home. and the Portuguese almonds can make the best milk in the world, creamy, tasty, entirely vegan and raw!
just need a blender and nut bag (or an old cloth those beautiful from the grandmother). And always use certified organic ingredients, as possible.
1l recipe for creamy delight
basic ingredients:
1 cup raw nuts (almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, macadamias, walnuts)
or seeds (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds)
or shredded coconut, oats, cooked brown rice
4 cups water
1-2 tablespoons coconut nectar / or agave if you like a few drops of stevia
a pinch of organic sea salt
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 tablespoons cocoa powder (for delicious chocolate milk ...)
soak the nuts in mineral water and let them soak (see the diaphragm below to find the time). drain and rinse.
place all ingredients in a blender for about one minute until creamy.
pass a milk bag and squeeze the pulp until all the liquid to exit. pulp nuts store in the freezer, will use in future recipes.
done mine today. you?
Mondays we always make a giant jug of milk for me and my girls.
is a decision that is highly recommend removing cow's milk fro your diet. since I stopped drinking milk colds and mucus disappeared, have better digestion, better skin. was actually because of my Carlota that I took this decision, she loved milk but had lots of mucus and allergies all the time. Today, she knows that milk makes her ill and no longer asks.
reasons to stop drinking cow's milk? just look on the net and read scientific studies. it is not proven to improve osteoporosis, cancer risks, lactose intolerance (have stomach aches, bloating, gas?), etc, etc. and do you know how cows give milk? like women, they must be "pregnant" all year. now imagine. each one is an activist in his own way.
but milk is part of our culture so we have to replace it. here I buy a lot of rice milk to my daughters, of course but I do not recommend soy unless it says organic, soy is mostly genetically modified. but the milk it is best done at home. and the Portuguese almonds can make the best milk in the world, creamy, tasty, entirely vegan and raw!
just need a blender and nut bag (or an old cloth those beautiful from the grandmother). And always use certified organic ingredients, as possible.
1l recipe for creamy delight
basic ingredients:
1 cup raw nuts (almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, macadamias, walnuts)
or seeds (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds)
or shredded coconut, oats, cooked brown rice
4 cups water
1-2 tablespoons coconut nectar / or agave if you like a few drops of stevia
a pinch of organic sea salt
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 tablespoons cocoa powder (for delicious chocolate milk ...)
soak the nuts in mineral water and let them soak (see the diaphragm below to find the time). drain and rinse.
place all ingredients in a blender for about one minute until creamy.
pass a milk bag and squeeze the pulp until all the liquid to exit. pulp nuts store in the freezer, will use in future recipes.
done mine today. you?
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