
What a bless! After some intensive days helping prem and Radha setting up everything finally today was the big day. Everybody is in such a good vib...

Had the privilege to start the morning following the Puja  with Annie pace as I had bought the flowers for the altar. Like another window of knowledge I want to learn.

After the opening mantra with Manju Jois... the Shala was so hot I was sweating before practice! Beautiful energy. People from Corea, Brasil, the Philippines (sorry for the horrible typhoon...), South Africa, all parts of Europe... Actually they make the event happen.

Then learned a new dristi from David Williams for padagustasana!! That come actually with a Jalandara Bandha. 
Then Danny paradise adjusted me supta k and did drop backs with him. At the end Mark Darby gave a subtle touch in sirsasana! Good start. Mantras with manju Jois for the afternoon and sweet stories from patabhi jois. An interesting question pistachio put: why ashtangis rest Saturdays? Manju said its the oil day in India!! Castor oil and bath... ;)

The night panel was full of stories and each teacher explained how they started. Promess will tell. Now I really must sleep. Tired tired but happy***

*love and ashtanga yoga* 

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