o meu consultório na Máxima. Estou feliz por mais esta oportunidade. dar aulas de yoga e fazer life-coach é um trabalho muito compensador e que me preenche de uma forma que nunca imaginei.
depois do o meu nome é Filipa começo com esta rubrica a dar dicas para começar um dia melhor. Pequenos truques que fui aprendendo com os diversos estudos e professores que tenho tido e que podem mesmo mudar-nos a vida.
desfrutem e acompanhem!
e que linda a minha moodboard feita pela minha linda amiga Louise Luz.
this is a new page I have the privilege to write on. I am so grateful for another amazing opportunity. teaching yoga and doing life-coaching is a blessing I thank everyday. in this webpage I will share some tips that I have learned throw my own healing path with the many gurus and teachers I have been connecting with. now I am sharing as well.
for today´s text I guide on what to do when waking up for a better and brighter day:
· I establish my priorities for that day
· I meditate 5 minutes (keep growing) before a hot cleaning shower
· I drink a cup of warm water with lemon
· I will find time for my daily yoga practice (waking up earlier is the best option, you will consequently feel boosts of energy)
· I do my practice (find a yoga teacher next to you). if yoga is not your passion try to fond some physical regular activity
· serve your temple with nourishing food
· don't accept negative thoughts
· I feel blessed for everybody around me
· I will smile and laugh
· I am present
and start your day with a new perspective! enjoy, be healthy and happy!