give a look ♡♡♡


Its work in progress but its gaining some sweet form. check and let me know what you feel and wish!
produtos yoga-me

Drasilah, I honor your divine energy


my dragon rider
grounding and calm energy
supportive from the heart
unconditional love
you are magical and angelic
a true queen of hearts

i remember the first time i saw you, your blond wavy beautiful hair... you look like a fairy and you feel like one. I connected with your energy and I am deeply deeply blessed and grateful I met you. you supported me in a big change of my life and I will always grateful for always being there.

you are as Goddess Saraswati which I feel you have so much the same energy
I honor you

this is the final ceremony of a beautiful journey, the highest portal to pass, where the subject is only eternity, taught by the Ultimate Muse, the Goddess of Wisdom Sarasvati/Drasilah.
dressed in robes of light, a sari spotlessly white, seated upon a lotus flower, her goddesses all rejoice, at the music of Her voice as the words begin to dance, deep in ecstatic trance, they chant their tones in secret whispers
up, up to the Immortal Divine,
where drunken on ecstatic wine, we will at last climb to the sublime,
to embrace our long eternal LOVE.

thank you Drasilah, you are for me a real human form of my Goddess Saraswati and a big inspiration as a mother, woman, goddess, queen and star. eternally gratefull.

Mysore Camp in Cascais


É com enorme contentamento que estamos a organizar este encontro de Ashtanga Yoga! O Michael é um ser daqueles que não se quer perder, um praticante dedicado, uma prática linda e avançada, um yogi de coração e alma. 
Esta semana ~de 21 a 27 de Maio ~está aberta a todos os níveis e todos são bem-vindos. Seja para toda a semana, seja para o fim-de-semana ou apenas para um drop-in para uma prática intensa de Ashtanga. 
também vamos ter um delicioso pequeno-almoço servido pela Gaya que nos vai mostrar as delícias da comida saudável. é todo um life-style que vamos poder viver durante uma semana de prática, partilha, ensinamentos. para não dizer que estamos perante um professor autorizado nível II que poderá ensinar muitos dos que pretendam aprofundar os seus conhecimentos de yoga. 
até lá! 

It is with great contentment and joy that we are organizing this Ashtanga Yoga Camp! Michael is a one of this beings whom you don´t want to loose, a dedicated practitioner, with a beautiful and advanced practice, a yogi in the heart and soul.
This week ~ from the 21st to the 27th May in Cascais ~ is open to all levels and all are welcome. Being for the whole every week, or just the weekend or just for a drop-in to intensify your Ashtanga practice.
we will also have the yummy breaky by Gaya who will share her delights on healthy food. its all about a life-style that we will be living for a week and share practice, teachings, cultures. 
we are so happy to have you!

spreading the love


parafraseando um amigo meu... a minha vida tem sido demasiado interessante para partilhar... e de facto há momentos na vida que é assim, é saborear o momento, o presente, estar ali, sentir. não é nem a foto nem as palavras, é o que sentimos e a consciência de estar ali a viver.
esta foto tirada pelo meu amigo Gun Gun em Ubud, reflete como esta estadia em Bali foi mágica. é casa onde vamos sempre regressar. e fazer retiros e coisas bonitas juntos. mas acima de tudo voltar para me encontrar com quem pensa bem mais à frente. ser inspirada por pessoas que querem mais pessoas como nós, que desejam crescer em consciência e aprender a viver neste mundo de forma ainda mais bonita. 
uma coisa eu sei. tenho amigos maravilhosos, os melhores do mundo, acima de tudo uma comunidade linda, de sonhadores que fazem realidades, de positive thinkers, pessoas que espalham o amor. uma comunidade para crescer, seja através do yoga, da alimentação, da criatividade, da união. e o yoga é isso, estar presente e em união. 
estou de volta. reinventada e de coração aberto. 

quoting a friend (ahah you know who you are!)... my life has been too interesting to share... well of corse he is English and a very proper one with an amazing sense of humor.. and I also love him to bits (and his beautiful family) and he is just one of these I know we will still have lots of fun together! but continuing... there are times in life that its just about feeling the moment, the present, to be there. is neither the photo nor the words, that simple moment is about just feeling it and keep that sweet soft taste in your heart and memory.

this photo was taken by my friend Gun Gun in Ubud, and reflects how this stay in Bali was magical. Bali is home where we will always return. doing retreats and beautiful things together. but above all coming back to meet like minded people, who thinks well ahead. It is to be inspired by people who want more people like us, who want to grow in consciousness and learn to live in this world in a more beautiful way.
I know one thing. I have wonderful friends, the best in the world, above all a beautiful community of dreamers that create realities, positive thinkers, people who spread the love. a community to grow, whether through yoga, nutrition, creativity, unity. and yoga is about that, being present and in unity.
I'm back. reinvented with an open heart.